Silicon Single Crystal 14Si28.086

Discovered in 1824 by J.J. Berzelius at Stockholm, Sweden.

[Latin: silicium = hard stone] French: silicium
German: silikon
Italian: silicone
Spanish: silicio

Description: Black amorphous silicon is obtained by the reduction of sand (SiO2) with carbon. Ultra-pure crystals if silicon have a blue-grey metallic sheen. Bulk silicon is un-reactive towards oxygen, water and acids (except HF), but dissolves in hot alkalis. Silicon is used in semiconductors, alloys and polymers.


Metal single crystal properties
State: single crystal
Crystal structure: diamond
Production method: Czochralski, Floating zone
Standard size: diameter 20-80mm
thickness 1mm
Orientation: (110) and (111)
Orientation accuracy: <2°, <1°, <0.5° or <0.1°
Polishing: as cut, one or two sides polished
Roughness of surface: <0.03µm
Purity: 99.999%