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Precise Cutting
Precision wire saws available from Princeton Scientific have been developed with an improved cutting technique that utilizes the precision guidance of the with and uniform application of an abrasive slurry. This results in:
- Surface quality is almost 'lapped'
- Cutting that does not introduce deformations
- Minimal loss of material from cutting
- Wire diameters from 20µm to 60µm
- No "wandering" of cutting wire into an unintended direction.
These precision wire saws are ideal for the precise cutting of:
- Semiconductors
- Ferrites
- Metals
- Glasses
- Other Hard or Brittle Solids
A variety of Precision wire saws are available that can cut samples down to a thickness of 10μm, with smooth cut surfaces where the roughness does not exceed 1µm. With a goniometer mounted to the saw, very precise orientations of crystal surfaces are possible before the cutting process begins.
WS-22 Precision Wire Saw
WS-22B Precision Wire Saw
WS-25 Precision Wire Saw
WS-25B Precision Wire Saw
Precision Wire Saw Accessories
Extend the capabilities of our WS-22/WS-22B wire saws with accessories to aid in the precise cutting of crystallographically oriented crystals.