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Available Substrates

Please note standard doping levels for SrTiO3 Nb doped are: 0.05 wt%, 0.5 wt%, 0.7 wt%, 0.1 wt%. The below listed substrates are available in different sizes upon request.

MaterialSrTiO3MgO Al2O3YSZNb:SrTiO
Dimensions (mm)10 x 10 x 0.510 x 10 x 0.510 x 10 x 0.510 x 10 x 0.510 x 10 x 0.5
Surface Orientation(100) ± 1°(100) ± 1°(100) ± 1°(100) ± 1°(100) ± 1°
Surface Finishone side polished
Junction Angle24° ± 1°
36.8° ± 1°
24° ± 1°24° ± 1°24° ± 1°
36.8° ± 1°
24° ± 1°
36.8° ± 1°
Surface RoughnessRa 10Å,
Rmax 30Å
Ra 10Å,
Rmax 50Å
Ra 10Å,
Rmax 50Å
Ra 10Å,
Rmax 30Å
Ra 10Å,
Rmax 30Å
Crystal Structurecubiccubichexagonalcubiccubic
Lattice Constant (Å) a

Phase Transitiontetragonal
< 110K
Dielectric Constant (e)31010927310
Coefficient of Expansion (10-6/°C)
Melting Point (°C)20802800203025002080